Dear Teenage Son: Thoughts On Our Marriage For Your Future


Awesome to have this essay go live today with Ten to Twenty Parenting. Many habits which contribute to a harmonious marriage fly under the radar, perhaps especially to the kids living under the same roof. I want my son to be aware of how some of his dad’s habits — which on the surface seem unrelated to a strong marriage–have, in fact, fostered ours. Thanks for publishing, Kristen Margo Daukas!

But Is It Safe? Abandoning Helicopter Parenting So Kids Can Grow Up

Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 11.28.47 PMWhat good are we doing when we dive in and rescue our kids? There comes a time when we need to let go, the most difficult parenting task of all. Sorry for the bad news. Time to stop crying and let go.

“I’m a safety mom. For starters, speed is not my middle name. During a past ski trip, the fact that I consistently arrived back at the chairlift last underscored this reality. My concern about staying safe informed my behavior. I checked my speed while descending the mountain.

Though cautionary words were on the tip of my tongue, I didn’t prohibit my teens from their downhill flight. I didn’t want to harden their resolve.

A person who thrives is being who they were meant to be. That’s exactly what my goal is for my kids, and probably yours touches on this theme in some way, too. We want our kids to mature into independent young adults who can make wise choices.”

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